Wednesday, February 6, 2013


I watched Order of Operation and thought that it might work as an introduction to the topic for my algebra I students.  I think that I would prefer to see the operations highlighted in actual problems instead of just the order being described.  I like the idea of using videos as a hook for students to get their attention before a new topic or to refresh their memory of previous material.  I think that once I start using Animoto it will be a tool that I enjoy and will continue to use.  I am going to keep looking for more math related animotos because I couldn't find that many that were higher level math.


  1. Kim's blog: has some really awesome insights on Animoto for the secondary ed classroom, and I found myself doing the same thing as her, using google to find appropriate samples. If I find any for math, I'll try to remember to tag them for you!

    1. Thanks Erika! Haha, any chance I see to use The Hunger Games, I'm all over it.

  2. Laura - I think watching other people's Animotos is, for me, more about getting ideas for creating one of my own. Most of the ones I watched had some area that I would want to change if I were going to use it myself. But I also think it depends on where within the unit you want to use it - I would expect that the further into the unit, the more detailed I might want the video to be.

  3. I agree that using Animoto would be a great way to introduce a new lesson to your students. It would allow you to then build on to the lesson from there for the rest of your class period. It is good to continue to look for other examples for inspiration to create your own Animoto for your math lesson, I know I am still looking at things myself because it will be my first time using Animoto for anything.
